Sunday, January 11, 2009

Guinea Pig Basics

Here's some basics!!

First when thinking about getting a guinea pig think about these questions?

A.) Will I have enough time to take care of my guinea pig?

B.) Do I have enough money to buy supplies?

C.) Will I research more about them?
Before You Get A Guinea Pig You Need To Know The Basics!

Do You Know These Parts?

OK, here's some basics that you may/may not know.


Though you may not know guinea pigs need a home simply with:
  • A House (A dark place for your piggie to hide)
  • A Food Bowl & Water Bottle

  • Chewing treats

Piggies aren't a very good nutritionist so here is a good meal to give them:
  • 4 spoon fulls of food

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 hand fulls of Romaine Lettuce

This is per day. I find it helpful to push the food through the cracks at the top of the cage

Socializing With Your Piggie

Guinea Pigs need lots of love and attention.You must make this happen.
Play with your piggie everyday.(Or as many times as you can.)Not much
to say about this just play with your piggie!

Paring Piggies

Guinea Pigs (like most humans) like to be around another one of their kind. So its best to have 2 or 3 in one area. Make sure their all males or females:(Unless they are spayed/neutered) NOTE:Only one male can be in a cage. Or breeding may occur. Also be sure that the cage is big enough for all. If you already have a adult it's best to pair it with a baby because babies are not as dominant as adults.

Accidentally Breeding May Occur!

Ok this portion of the site is to prevent and help breeding guinea pigs.

Leave a comment with pet stores that gave you a pregnant guinea pig!
This will prevent people from buying a pregnant guinea pig.

Currently No comments were left.

What to look for when buying your guinea pig.


Kicks in the stomach area.
Very Fat.
Drinks a lot of water.

Tighten abdomen area.
Difficult Moving.

If any of these signs are very likely then inform the staff.
Most staff are not informed at pet stores so never trust them.
If they say 2 females or 2 males don't trust them you needs to
check for yourself.

How to help!

So it's already to late don't worry. You probably want to help your little pig.
Did you already know she was pregnant? Maybe Not here's how you can help.

Avoid handling your piggies at all times!

She should deliver just fine but in case she doesn't call your vet.

NOTE: She may deliver at any time. If you got her from a pet store and they didn't tell you and there's no other way that she could get pregnant then you have the right to bring them back!

If you got her from a breeder and they didn't tell and you have no other way she could get pregnant then you have the right to give the pups to the breeder

Question Or Concerns!

Look I know there's a lot of things I didn't cover here so just send a message to Subject:Piggie Question!

Photo Contest!!!

Your guinea pig could be a star!! E-mail your entry to requirments below.

(If possible have the picture under 10MB)
*Guinea Pigs Name
*Your First Name *=Required
Your last Name
*Guinea Pigs approx. age

Guinea Pigs will be divided up into three catagorys 0-2 year olds 3-5 year olds 6+. Hope you enjoy the contest!

Winners will be on the site December 29th

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